Yosemite Falls

Aaron - Going to Yosemite

          The first time I saw Yosemite National Park, I was amazed at how beautiful it was. A giant, rushing waterfall was clearly visible, as well as tall healthy trees; the mountains and hills created perfect scenery, and a cool breeze flowed through the park. The pulchritude of the park allowed me to have a fantastic time. My trip to Yosemite wasn't a family trip, nor was it a class field trip; it was a field trip for the entire middle school, grades six through eight, in March, the very month the government had a budget conflict. Our school was worried the government might have had to shut down the nation's parks in the United States. Fortunately for my school’s junior high, the parks remained running.

          Our visit to Yosemite actually began when we rode two buses during a two to three hour drive. Though the ride was dull and boring, my excitement overwhelmed me. As the bus went through twists and turns, we saw a sign that said, 'Yosemite'. Everyone in the bus began to buzz with excitement. After about a half an hour, the bus slowed to a stop in Yosemite's parking lot. We all walked towards the amphitheater where our tour guide was waiting for us. After our tour guide gave us an introduction on Yosemite and how it was formed, we began out tour of the national park. 

          Our tour, in spite of its length, was amazing. We followed our tour guide as we hiked towards the waterfall, through twists and turns, which led us to see some of Half-Dome. Near the end of the tour, we walked across a bridge that was near Yosemite Falls.  I could feel the mist that the monstrous, rushing waterfall procured; this was the first time I'd seen a waterfall up close. When our tour was over, we headed back to the cafeteria to eat. As I entered, the smell of food rushed to my head, and caused my stomach to rumble. I bought a decent-sized, juicy hamburger, salty fries, and a soda. The food that I bought was scrumptious and watered in my mouth. I was full for a while.

          As we loaded the bus, my mind replayed the sights I had seen: the cascading waterfall which was music to my ears, the lush plants that appeared perfect, and the awe-striking hills and mountains. The memory felt engraved onto my heart and mind. I have never forgotten this memory, and I never will. 
