Joaquin - Freshman Orientation

I had been on tours of the school before, but never as a student. Orientation day was here and today was the first day I felt like a student at East Union High School. There were over 500 students in single file going into the gym. As I walked into the large gym it was packed! Because the freshman class is the largest class in the school it was huge. That crowd made me feel smaller than I’ve ever felt before. Somehow in the chaos I found the enormous freshman line to take my picture for my ID and receive my class schedule.

            I waited patiently to take my picture. When I did I smiled big and in that instant a machine spit out a card, which was my ID. I walked outside and found everyone looking at their cards. But I wanted to go get my schedule before the rush.

            I walked around the campus and found the administration office. There they asked for my name, and handed me a sheet of paper with all my information on it. I read it and saw that I had Geometry, English Honors, Spanish, biology, P.E, and digital photo. I then walked to the room to get my books. After that I walked to my locker with an armload of books and to my surprise my locker didn’t open!

Over summer the school changed all the locks but forgot to give the students their new combination. I read my combination over twenty times and then heard it was the school’s fault. The poor janitor was walking around with a huge binder giving students their correct combination. Before I got to him he had already left to the office so I put my books in my cousin’s TOP locker! Here’s the thing, I’m only five feet tall, and I can’t even see the numbers on the dial. So for the first week of school I was asking upper classmen for help or occasionally standing on my backpack. I felt embarrassed and rushed when I was at my locker. And occasionally I would hear girls walking by giggling. Great, that’s all I needed was to be the kid who has to stand on something to open his locker. It wasn’t for long: within the next week I got a new locker near the quad and it was a middle locker.

            That’s how I started off freshman year of high school. I was a little nervous to begin with, but they quickly made me feel welcome. It was an overall good experience. But I had no idea what was in store for me in the months to come. It would turn out to be one of the best years of my life.