Emilio - The Big Bad Skadoosh

After the last story, The Big Bad Skadoosh, the super hero Fat Guy headed to his hometown of Toiltown.  He bought a cappuccino at Starbucks, but then he bumped into a short guy.  Somehow Fat Guy’s super powers disappeared when he crashed into the guy.  Then the super villain, The Big Bad Fat Man, returned from death to try to defeat Fat Guy once again.  When Fat Guy saw Big Fat Man, he retreated to the place when he could learn the ways of the force to protect the world in order defeat Big Fat Man.

After Fat Guy finished learning how to use the light savers and “the force” he was named a Jedi.  Fat Guy then found Big Fat Man at the supermarket buying a watermelon.  He went there to battle and defeat Big Fat Man.  When they saw each other they began battling.  First, Fat Guy tried using his light savers but Big Fat Man’s belly deflected them.  Next, when Big Fat Man was about to use a food bomb, which appeared in his hand (which is one of his awesome powers), Fat Guy stopped him by using “the force.”  “The force” let Fat Guy life Big Fat Man out of the supermarket and threw him into a lava pit somewhere far, far away.  Big Fat Man was defeated forever, never to be seen again.



E - excited
M - mischievous
I - interesting
L - little
I - intelligent
O - outstanding