
Alyson - Sinking

Milo flittered through the dock, while munching on a Twix bar. He leaned over a rail, smiling down at his reflection, “Hello Reflection!” he called, waving a small, chocolate covered hand. He continued walking, then stopped at another railing. He leaned over and prepared to say hello again, when a pair of hands wrapped around his waist.

            “How well can you swim?” A voice snarled in his ear.
            “Wait! No I can’t-“ He stuttered, before the hands lifted him in the air, and he was flying for a split second. “Tommy!” He barely managed to try to call his brother. He barely sucked in a breath of air before splashing into the icy blue waters of the Pacific. He sank like a rock, twisting and thrashing violently. He tried not to swallow water, though it was hard. He looked around desperately for something, anything that could save his life. His eyes glared frenziedly through the bright blue water, it stung painfully as the water got in his eyes. He slowly began to stop thrashing. He shuddered once, before going limp.

            Tommy’s eyes glared at the water, he had barely heard the cry, before the splash. He looked panicked for his brother. He wanted to find out who threw Milo, or at least hurt them. But he didn’t have time. Locking his eyes on a group of bubbles, He dove from the dock, his leather jacket flying behind him. He splashed down in a pretty good dive, for him. Diving down… Down into the icy water which swirled in currents. The water ripped at his skin, while the currents pulled at his hair. He squinted, the salt water stinging his eyes.  He barely spotted the limp body ahead. Diving forward, his hand wrapped around Milo’s arm. He heaved Milo into his arms, and then swam fiercely for the surface and then to shore. His mind only focused on keeping Milo’s head above water, stumbling through the waves, and the sand. He bent over, and dropped Milo gently on the sand.            

            “C-Come on, Kid.” He mumbled, the summer air ripping at him like ice. Pushing on his chest and stomach, in an attempt to get the water from his lungs. He frantically did what little C.P.R he knew. He kept looking up at Milo’s eyes, wanting them to open. He was about slam his fist on Milo, when water dribbled from his mouth. He began pushing again, harder then before. He cried out in joy as Milo spit up water. “Don’t you DARE scare me like that again-” Milo wrapped his arms around Tommy’s neck. Hugging him tightly. He let out a soft sigh “I couldn’t live without you, Milo…You’re my little bro… I’d... I’d have no one… to… to… teach how to be Awesome!” he mumbled, the closest you’d get to full-blown I need you.

            “I love you too, Tommy…” Milo mumbled into his brother’s arm. Tommy smiled down at his brother. It hadn’t occurred to him, how much he would put on the line for him… But he knew why. He had wanted to say something, a bit sweeter. Milo was his only brother, and his best friend. He could tell Milo most anything about a lot of things. And Milo would believe him, or at least pretend to. He wished he had said, “Milo, I couldn’t live without you. You’re my baby brother, and if anything happened to you… on my watch, I’d fall apart. Don’t you
DARE do that to me, again.” But Milo wouldn’t see him as the tough big brother anymore… Would he? Either way, it was too late now.