
Ricky - Racism

I was in my room one day. My radio was on and somebody who was running for governor, Meg Whitman, said on the radio, “Help me take out these illegal aliens hopping our border.  If I win I will go door to door in the country with immigration police to find the aliens,” and that just made me really mad. Because I mean, look, why does she or anyone in this country have to say “aliens.”  You could say Hispanics. I’m sorry, do Hispanics have green skin?  Do Hispanics have three fingers?  Do they come in spaceships asking to take us to your leader? No, OK, she is racist in my point of view, and so are lots and lots of people in this country we call America.

Looking around the schoolyard before class began, I spotted my friend.  Emiliano came out of his car crying.  I walked up to him.  Why are you crying.” I asked him.

He said, “My mom just got pulled over in front of the school for no reason and the police officer asked her for her green card and she didn’t have it with her.”

It was a very sad thing to hear, and seeing my friend cry wasn’t really a happy thing either.  A lot of people in this country are very racist but not just to Hispanics to other races as well: African Americans, Irish, Asians, even to white people and other races too.

We Hispanics try, try, and try our hardest for people not to see us as just a bunch of dirt. All I know is it’s never that way and never will be because of the way that a lot of people see Hispanics which would be as drug sellers or gang bangers. What I don’t understand is why blame all the good Hispanics who come here for a better life? It’s not their fault there are bad people on this earth, so what, so why blame them? It’s not fair, the deportation.  People have families which they have to care for and some people just don’t care. It’s like nothing to them, like if they have no soul; no feeling at all.
