Tulloch Lake

 Giovanny - My Day at the Lake

One day I was at Tulloch Lake. I was hot, and I did not put on sun block. I got sun burned and my back was all hot. I felt like my back was on fire! My mom put sun block on my back and cooled me down with a nice lemonade. My dad took me for a ride on our boat. My mom and I were pulled on the inner tube. My family and I went fishing close to a bridge that goes over the lake. My dad was using my fishing rod, and I was jumping rocks to the water. I was riding the inner tube, wake-boarding and knee boarding. While camping, my mom and dad made sandwiches, BBQ, and cooked  breakfast. I had a good camping week with my family.

I Won My First Guitar At The County Fair

On Saturday night I went to see the monster trucks at the Stanislaus County Fair in Turlock.  I was with my aunt, my uncle, and my cousins.  There were a lot of people and a whole bunch of monster trucks.  They were so loud that you couldn’t hear any voices, just the roar sounds.  My cousin Junior told me that his ears were plugged because it was so loud.  I told my cousin that I wanted to go buy something, so we went to the concession stand.  I ordered a bag of chips and a small drink.  I told my cousin that we should go to the area where all the games and rides were.  He said “all right.”  So we walked around the fair looking for my aunt. We told my aunt that we were going to be walking around.
We were getting in line to go on a Shrek ride and we were next to some girls our age.  We said, “hi” and they asked, “Are you guys going on this ride?” We said, “yeah, we are.”  After we finished this ride we walked around the fair.  I saw one game I wanted to play.  The man said pay five dollars for seven rings or ten dollars for twenty rings.  I bought twenty rings.  I had started throwing my rings and trying to make them land on the bottles.  And when I threw my seventh ring the person in charge of the game yelled out “we got a winner!!!”  I was the winner!  I even had a crowd of people surrounding me and cheering for me.  I was so excited and they told me to choose any of the prizes that they had.  Right away I knew that I wanted the electric guitar.
People around me were asking to see my guitar.  When I was walking around the fair with my guitar, a lady asked me about it.  She wanted to know how I won the guitar.  After I won the guitar, Jr. and I were looking around to find my aunt.  Her reaction when we found her was “where did you get that guitar?” She couldn’t believe that I had won such a prize.  I told her that I won it on the ring toss game.  She was also happy that I won the guitar.  When we were leaving she took a few pictures of me.  We got in the car and left the fair.  We drove back home and right away my aunt called my mom to give her the great news.  My mom was so happy that I won a guitar.  My aunt stopped by my grandparent’s house so I could show my grandma and grandpa my guitar.  They were so surprised that I won a guitar.  Winning this made me feel lucky.  It has been the best prize ever because it is my first guitar.