
Giovanni P -- Arizona

When I went to Arizona I knew it was going to be fun. I was going miss my family. When I got on the truck I got the last picture of them in my head.

I got on the truck and left. It took one day and a half to get to Arizona.

When we got there we got to a house that I didn’t know? I figured it was my aunt’s house. We stayed there for 3 days. We found a lost dog; we named it Spot. One day was very sad: the owner came to get the dog; that day we were leaving too.

That’s where we started our trip. We were going camping!

We would go find our spot to put the tent. It was five miles away from the lake with lots of trees.  Right after that I would go right to the lake. There would a bump on the way to the fast lake. You had  to wear sandals because there were lots of strange spiders.

At night we would eat marshmallows. But first  we needed to find a perfect straight stick. We would eat good marshmallows.

When we came back home I told my mom I had a great time. Everybody said, “We missed you!” I would love to go camping a second time.